I need to stay away from Facebook. And magazines. Earlier this spring, CBS news had a story about Facebook envy: a condition in which users feel dejected after seeing happy updates from friends.
Though I laughed at the time, I'm here to tell you shocking news.
It's real, ya'll.
As a 25 year old sitting in her dorm room and writing this, it's downright depressing to stalk my 1,405 "friends" and see how much fun everyone is having this summer. Let me put it this way:
Your summer? Pools, lakes, barbeques, beer, vacations, adventures, bikinis
My summer? Summer school, dining hall food, lesson planning, dorm living, beer, 110 degree heat indexes, occasional (vegetarian!) barbeques.
I guess I shouldn't complain as long as there's beer. But still.
Six more days until I'm back in North Carolina and my own bed. Let the countdown begin...